From Chaos to Calm: Strategies for a Successful In-Home Photoshoot with Kids

When it comes to doing in-home photography sessions, parents usually have many concerns, like how their house looks, what to wear, and how their older kids will behave. Which are 100% valid, and as a mom myself I totally get it! As a professional family photographer, it’s my job to help reassure you that this will be truly magical, and beautiful just as your family is!

in-home family photography session

In home Photography for Families

When it comes to photographing children, I want them to be their silly selves, have fun, and feel comfortable (which they can do in their own home!). I understand that as a parent this can bring about anxiety about an in home photography session for a number of reasons. Some of the most common concerns I heard from parents are:

·       Worried about how their baby/children don't like to smile at the camera.

·       Not sure how you are going to get them in front of the camera.

·       Not sure how you are going to get them to calm down.

·       They are not quite into the newborn baby yet, still figuring out new family dynamics.

If this sounds like you, that’s okay! I’m going to walk you through my process and how these concerns can actually be beneficial to your family photo shoot!

Sister with mom and newborn baby for in home photography with kids.

I’m worried about them sitting still for photos

I will never ask your child to smile or be still; I like when children can be children. They can have fun, and I will capture them in those moments. My job is to focus on capturing your children being themselves. Some of the best photos I take are real, raw, and candid moments with families.

We can also use movement to our advantage! For example, if a child is hesitant to get in front of the camera or be with other family members/ newborn we can make it a game. This could be making a jumping game where they hop to spots around (getting them closer and closer to the newborn) or having a dance party with a parent or parents and capturing some beautiful fun family photos of everyone together.

The focus is on the family having fun, sharing smiles and laughter, and capturing all that beauty.

Big sister holding baby brother

Let’s be silly!

If your child is camera shy or you’re worried about getting a smile for the camera, there are ways around this – easily! First off, as I mentioned above kids love to move. So, we use that to our advantage with tickle fights, playing, reading books together, doing puzzles or colouring. All these activities make for beautiful family portraits and don’t require your child to pose a specific way or to hold a smile at the camera. Check out more of my tips for a stress-free family photoshoot here!

When it comes to photography with kids, I’m flexible! I have kids too, so I don't judge how kids behave during the time I'm there. However, I understand it's a significant change for everyone, and I want to make it as comfortable as possible.

Big sister holding favorite stuffy

Ways to calm and manage stress in kids for photos

You know your child best, however here are a couple of suggestions on ways I’ve seen parents help kids with calming down or relieving stress. Taking photos is not everyone’s cup of tea, and certainly with children this is the same. If your child is showing signs of stress or anxiety feel free to speak to me about this, or try one of these suggestions to help.

·       Snacks & a Drink

·       Favourite stuffed animal / Toy

·       Giving time for movement (running/jumping)

·       Outside time (before the photoshoot to get rid of excess energy)

·       Music

·       A quiet space

Newborn baby boy at family photo session for in home photography with kids.

In Home Photography with Kids means Real Life!

Life happens, and this is so true when it comes to kids photography and newborn photography. I have seen it all, from kids who love to be part of the in-home photo session to kids who want to play. Trust me.

My job when it comes to being in your home for a photography session is to capture your beauty just the way you are! I’ll work to find beautiful natural light to highlight your family, and focus on capturing all those gorgeous smiles, laughs, and memories you want to keep forever.

You don't have to worry, and you won't regret doing this. I promise.

Interested in having a photography session in-home?


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