Having a successful “yes day” with your kids

Have you ever had a "YES DAY"?

Ever since my kids watched the movie YES DAY, they have been asking for such a day, and I decided it would be a great way to end the year.

Before agreeing to such a day, there had to be some ground rules first. Here are some tips to having a successful yes day:

  1. Set a budget, because the ideas kids have can be expensive and there is no need to spend too much.

  2. Boundaries, which activities you are open to. For example, I am afraid of heights, so for me, nothing that involved being too high.

  3. Sometimes you just have to say “No” so try to use different words like we will see, maybe later or that sounds fun but would you rather do…

  4. Remind your kids that after this day, things go back to normal.

On December 31st, I gave my kids a yes day. Our YES DAY went like this:

First, we had Mac Donalds for breakfast.

After, we went to a trampoline park, where of course, I also had to jump.

For lunch, they decided they wanted to go to all-you-can-eat sushi.

Then, we did a movie marathon.

For dinner, they asked for pancakes with whipped cream.

And the day ended with us sleeping all together in our living room.

I recommend giving YES DAY a try, you would be surprised by the ideas kids come up with. And in the end, it’s a nice time to bond with your children.


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